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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT Module 3 : Principles and Practice of management past paper November 2022

Highlight five conclusions that the Hawthorne experiment conducted by Elton Mayo

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline five differences between a leader and a manager
2. Highlight five conclusions that the Hawthorne experiment conducted by Elton Mayo
3. Outline five benefits of strategic planning to an organization
4. Explain five principles that can help in ensuring effective delegation
5. There are certain financial incentives that an organization may give to its employees in order to enhance productivity. Explain five such incentives
6. Outline five objectives of budgetary control in an organization
7. Explain five factors that may limit the freedom of a manager when recruiting employees
8. Outline five phases of the disaster management cycle
9. Organization find it necessary to continuously monitor the environment in which they operate. Explain five reasons for this necessity
10. Outline five advantages of the group decision making technique
11. Explain five ways in which a manager can ensure efficient stock control in an organization
12. Organization usually carry out interviews during employees’ selection. Explain reasons why this is done
13. Outline five benefits that may occur to an organization for establishing an effective coordination function
14. Zamala Enterprises is in the process of developing a mission statement. Explain five ways in which this statement would be useful to the enterprise