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<=KNEC Craft certificate in ICT Module 1: Computer Application I theory past paper November 2016

Distinguish between a single user and a multi user operating system

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Questions List:

1. state the computer generation that had each of the following characteristics experienced for this time: (2marks) i)used very large scale integration; ii)magnetic disk used for secondary storage; iii)used transistor technology in the logic circuit; iv)computer that mimicked human being,
2. Outline four possible uses of a computer in a hospital
3. Explain the importance of declaring each of the following in a relational database: i) Data type ii) Field property
4. Outline a feature in a word processor that would be used to perform each of the Following: i)Typed text that appears automatically at the top of every page in a document ii)Automatically customizes a letter for recipients
5. Distinguish between a single user and a multi user operating system
6. Marty would like to design a presentation using a presentation package. Outline two features in the program that he should consider to achieve each of the following: a)Consistency in the presentation b)Visual appeal.
7. Martin has developed a website for an organization and would like to prevent the site from illegal access. Outline four ways in which he can achieve his objective
8. Figure 1 shows an extract from a spreadsheet program used by a teacher to compute grades in an examination. Write a formula using the if function and cell addresses that will determine the grade for the subject whose code is U001, given that a score of 60 and above is awarded grade ‘A’, 50 and less than 60 is awarded ‘B’ and less than 50 is awarded grade ‘F”.
9. Anne was using a notepad program to perform some operations on the keyboard. State the keyboard keys that she would use for each of the following: a)Start a new line; b)Cancel the current instruction; c)Delete text from right to left; d)Display information on the previous page
10. Azira would like to purchase a car from a vendor who is abroad. Outline four ways in which she can use the internet to achieve her goal
11. Bluetop cybercafé has acquired web cameras for their computers. Explain two ways in which their customers would use them