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<=KNEC Diploma in Food and Beverage Management Module III: Principles and Practice of Management past paper November 2022

Highlight four functions of the top management in an organization

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Questions List:

1. Highlight four functions of the top management in an organization
2. Outline four benefits of planning to an organization
3. Outline four circumstances under which narrow span control may be appropriate in an organization
4. Highlight four causes of indiscipline in an organization
5. Outline four shortcomings of verbal communication
6. Highlight four ways in which the management of an organization may demonstrate social responsibility to its customers
7. State four factors that may contribute to unethical behavior among employees in an organization
8. Outline four feature of an organization as proposed by the system approach to management
9. Outline four advantages of using monetary incentive to motivate employees
10. State four types of coordination that may he applied in an organization
11. Explain four negative effects of control system in an organisation
12. Outline four personal factors that may influence the choice of leadership style by a manager
13. Explain four reasons that make it necessary for a manager to behave ethically
14. Explain four barriers to delegation that may be associated with subordinate in an organization
15. Explain four guidelines that management should follow when formulating policies to enhance their effectiveness
16. Some job applications are rejected at the initial screening stage during employee selection. outline four reasons for their rejection
17. Explain four factors that may determine the level of coordination required in an organization
18. Explain four reasons that make some organizations to recruit employee from universities and colleges
19. According to the contingency theory of management a managers’ decision is influenced by certain situational factors. Outline four such factors
20. Explain four reasons that make it necessary for an organization to understand its external business environment
21. Explain four benefits of high employee morale in an organization
22. Outline four factors that may influence the ethical standards of an employees
23. Explain five arguments that may be raised against corporate social responsibility
24. organizational that use budget as a tool of control face certain challenges. Explain five such challenges