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<=KNEC Diploma in Human Resource Management Module II: Theory and Practice of Human Resource Management past paper November 2018

Highlight five qualities that an employee counsellor should possess in order to be effective.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain five measures that human resource manager should take to ensure effective performance appraisal exercise in an organization
2. Outline five indicators of need for employee counseling in an organization
3. Zuma limited is in the process of designing a training programme for its employees. Explain five items that should be included in such a programme
4. Explain five reasons that make an organization to offer welfare services to its employees
5. Describe steps that should be followed when carrying out performance appraisal exercise in an organization
6. Outline four objectives that an organization aims to achieve by conducting exit interview during employee separation.
7. The rate of accident in Resa limited has been raising in the recent past. Explain six ways in which the management can reverse this trend
8. Explain four benefits that an organization may gain from staffing its international operations with employee from the host country
9. Highlight five circumstances under which an employee may be declared redundant in an organization
10. Explain five factors that may influence the level of employee remuneration in an organization
11. Explain five methods that may be used by a human resource manager to identify the training needs employee in an organization
12. Highlight five qualities that an employee counsellor should possess in order to be effective.
13. Explain five ways in which an organization may benefit from housing employees within its premises
14. Explain five reasons that make the piece rate system of wage administration popular with some organization