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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT Module III: Internet Based Programming past paper July 2016

Mwaniki has been contracted to design a website for a company. Explain three approaches that he is likely to use to achieve his goal.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Outline the function of each of the following tags as used in HTML. (i) <!....> (ii) <a> (iii) <frameset> (iv) <strike>
2. Mwaniki has been contracted to design a website for a company. Explain three approaches that he is likely to use to achieve his goal.
3. The following HTML code. Use it to answer the questions that follows: (i) Explain the function of each of the following as used in the code. (4 marks) I. Cell spacing II. Cell padding (ii) Sketch the output when the code is run in a browser iii)Rewrite the HTML statement that would be used to change the background of the area with the text Name 4 to blue
4. Describe the term web authoring software as used in web design
5. Explain the function of each of the following features found in a web authoring tool. (6 marks) (i) Template; (ii) CGI web forms; (ii) Site manager
6. Explain three factors to consider when adding graphics to a web page during web design.

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