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<=KNEC diploma in ICT module II: System Analysis and Design past paper July 2011

A user is experiencing a malfunction with a newly installed system and would like some modifications made. Outline four typical steps that would be followed when maintaining the system

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Questions List:

1. Outline four responsibilities of a system architect.
2. Explain three system controls as applied in system in development
3. (c) The following statements relate to system theory. In each case, state the concept of the system theory being described: (i) a system element, which is itself a system and a component of a larger system; (ii) a system that differentiate between the environment and the system; (iii) a system exhibiting order and disorder within itself; (iv) a system which can be viewed solely in terms of its
4. A company intends to develop a new information system. Give three reasons for designing the system explaining your answer
5. Explain the term information system
6. Differentiate between formal and informal information systems
7. Many organizations today use computer-based information system. Explain two factors that would influence the recommendation for upgrading an existing information system
8. Distinguish between preliminary study and terms of reference as used in system development
9. Define each of the following terms as used in system analysis: (i) operation research methods; (ii) statistical methods; (iii) conceptual models.
10. Explain an approach that would be used to reduce bias when conducting system investigation
11. State three types of system procedures that may be carried out in an organization to ensure safety of data
12. Maria was given the task for developing a user manual for a recently completed system. (i) outline four items that she should include in the manual. (4 marks) (ii) outline four qualities expected of the manual. (4 marks) (iii) Explain two possible uses of the manual.
13. Define the word audit trail as used in system analysis
14. A student would like to design the output for his information system project. Explain two types of output that the student could consider
15. Outline three characteristics of an efficient system
16. A user is experiencing a malfunction with a newly installed system and would like some modifications made. Outline four typical steps that would be followed when maintaining the system
17. Assuming that you have been given a task to develop a certain company’s system. (i) Describe a methodology that you would use to emphasize the logical design of the system without showing the implementation details. (1 marks) (ii) State two advantages of a methodology identified in(i). (1 marks)
18. XYZ company limited intends to install a system in order to improve its services: (6 marks) (i) State the type of information system that the company would install for analytical data processing. (ii) Explain two types of decisions that the information system in (i) would generate. (iii) State two advantages of the information system Stated in (i)
19. State four components to be considered when designing an information system
20. Explain the circumstance that would influence an organization to adopt practical system thinking
21. Explain three challenges likely to be faced by system designers when describing a soft system
22. State two types of walkthroughs that may be used during system analysis
23. Outline three methods that could be used for data collection during system analysis
24. State two uses of a system specification document as used in system development
25. Outline four factors that should be considered when designing an input form
26. Differentiate between verification and validation as used in system design
27. Mary a programmer, wrote several application programs within a short period. With help of a data user, they checked the program to ascertain that they meet the basic need. One of the program was found to match the requirement but a few amendments were required. (5 marks) (i) Identify the system methodology used by Mary. (ii) Outline two merits and two demerits of the methodology identified in (i)
28. Differentiate between sequential and random access file design
29. State two examples for each of the following threats to data as used in system security; (i) Human error; (ii) Technical error.
30. Outline three common characteristics of deterministic and probabilistic systems
31. Describe three attributes that should be considered when designing a cybernetic system
32. John was among the team of system designers contracted to design a system for an organization. He was assigned the parts of the system that would serve a number of other applications within the organization without its structure being dictated by any of those applications; (6 marks) (i) Identify the parts of the system that he was assigned. (ii) Outline three advantages of the parts identified in