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<=KNEC diploma in ICT module II: System Analysis and Design past paper July 2022

Explain the term break-even point as used in feasibility study

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Questions List:

1. Explain the cause of scope creep during system development
2. Outline four advantages of expert system
3. Differentiate between structured and unstructured decisions as used in system theory
4. Describe two data elements that could be included in a data dictionary
5. Maria intends to design input and output interface for information system. Describe three types of interfaces she could use
6. Outline two examples of external problem indicator in the development of an information system.
7. Describe each of the following system development methodologies: (i) structured; (ii) Object-oriented.
8. Marcus prepared a requirement specification document for a proposed system. Explain two importance of this document during system development.
9. Differentiate between critical and dummy activities as used in ict project management.
10. A company hired a system analyst to train staff on the use of new information system. Explain three methods of training he could use.
11. Outline the role of a project manager in ICT project management
12. Explain the term system thinking;
13. A system analyst was reviewing an information system at design stage. Explain two characteristics that this design should possess
14. Distinguish between straight and phased file conversion method as used in system implementation
15. A supermarket has a reward system for its loyal customer. If a customer purchases goods worth Shs. 30000 or more, and the loyalty card has more than 3000 points, the customer is awarded a voucher worth Shs. 5000 or a voucher worth Shs. 2000 if the card has less than 3000 points. The transaction is stored in a file and report generated. Draw a system flowchart to represent this logic
16. Outline two advantages of using case tool during system analysis
17. Explain the term break-even point as used in feasibility study
18. Distinguish between evolutionary and throw away prototypes
19. With the aid of diagram a diagram, describe the stages in system development cycle using the waterfall model.
20. Explain the term acceptance testing as used in system development
21. A system uses an online system to capture data from its potential customer: Recently, several complains were received from customer with regard to their input from design. Outline four reasons for these complaints.
22. UBZ company implements a new system in one department while other department continued with the old system. (i)Identify this system implementation method. (1 marks) (ii)Outline three advantages of the method identified above in (i). (3 marks)
23. Melisa used interviews to collect data during system investigation. (i)Outline two challenges of using this method only. (2 marks) (ii) Describe two other appropriate methods she could use to verify the data collected.
24. Clifford prepared a gantt chart for a proposed ICT project. Explain two significance of the project tool to the project team.
25. Outline two measures that should be considered to deal with rapid technology changes in information Systems.
26. Describe two contents of technical documentation
27. A company intends to acquire information system. Describe two acquisition method the company could use.
28. Dany designed a database for an information system. Describe two database models he could have used.
29. Outline two challenges a user could experience when using an information system without an accompanying manual.
30. Explain the term coupling as used in system design
31. Differentiate between condition stub and action stub as used in decision tab
32. Marvel company made some changes to their information system to accommodate a new product. (i) Identify the type of system maintenance used. (1 mark) (ii) Explain two disadvantages of the maintenance identified in (i).
33. A student is classified either as needy or not needy. If a student not needy, no bursary is awarded. If needy, student discipline record and performance is considered. A needy student whose performance is credit and above is awarded shs.20000 bursaries, otherwise the student is awarded Shs. 10000. A student with discipline issues is not awarded a bursary. Draw a decision tree to represent this l
34. Explain the term attributes as used in database design
35. Outline three importance of a system post implementation review
36. Outline three circumstances that would make an ongoing ICT project to stop
37. A system analyst identified a number of ways in which users interact with an information system. (i) Name the type of system approach used. (1 marks) (ii) Outline three properties of the approach named in (i)