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<=KNEC Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Module 1: ICT, Communication Skills and Entrepreneurship Education Past Paper : November 2022

Outline the steps followed when adding transition to a slide in a presentation package

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain two advantages of using flash disks for storing data
2. Describe four functions of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in a manufacturing organization
3. Distinguish between system software and application software
4. Describe three physical threats to an organization’s data
5. Describe two ways of connecting to the internet
6. A student is in the process of creating a table using word processing application. Explain the circumstances under which the student may use each of the following features: (6 marks) i. text direction; ii. merge cells; iii. shading
7. Table 1, shows a mark sheet IN MS-Excel containing scores attained by a group of student in an examination. Write a function to obtain each of the following: (i) Mean score of maths; (ii) Total marks for joseph; (iii) Highest marks for Jude
8. Outline the steps followed when adding transition to a slide in a presentation package
9. Explain two uses of the internet in an education institution