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<=KNEC Diploma in Human Resource Management Module II: Public Relations past paper July 2013

Highlight the importance of a strong corporate image to an organization.

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Questions List:

1. Explain six sources of feedback from which a public relations manager may evaluate the results of a public relations programme in an organization.
2. Explain four reasons that make it necessary for an organization to clearly identify its publics .
3. Wafula has been appointed as a public relation officer in charge of crisis management at Falaki limited .Explain the duties that wafula will be expected to perform in his new position.
4. Kilimo Company limited, a medium –sized marketing firm strives to attain effective customer relations in all its operations. Explain five benefits that the company may derive from this practice.
5. Many organizations use the six point public relations planning model. Highlight six benefit that such organizations may obtain from this practice.
6. Highlight the importance of a strong corporate image to an organization.
7. Explain five factors that have made televisions a popular media public relation for many organization.
8. Explain five ways in which a public relations practioners should conduct themselves in relation to their employers.
9. Highlight five circumstances under which it would be appropriate to use magazines as a media of public relations activities in an organization.
10. Explain five roles public relations function is expected to perform in an organization.
11. The media is usually given a special treatment as opposed to the other publics . Highlight the reasons that may justify this practice.
12. Describe the development that emerged after the second world war in relation to the evolution of public relations.
13. There has been a significant increase in the use of public relations in the service industry . Explain the reasons that may account for this trend.
14. As the public relations manager for Magharibi Company limited, you are in the processes of inducting newly recruited public relations officers. Explain to them the ways in which they could deal with complaints received from customers.