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<=KNEC Diploma in Human Resource Management Module II: Public Relations past paper July 2018

There are various services that a public relations consultancy firm may offer to a client .Outline five such services.

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Questions List:

1. Explain five reason that may make it necessary for an organization to develop a plan for its public relations activities.
2. Outline five ethical responsibilities of a public relations officers to a client.
3. Describe the procedure that a public relation officer should follow when evaluating the outcome of a public relations program.
4. A public relations officer intends to use questionnaires to collect data in a research exercise .Explain five advantages of using this method of data collection .
5. One of the outcomes of poor relationship in an organizations is conflict. Outline five ways in which such conflicts may be managed.
6. Public relations practitioners use writing as the primary tool for constructing public relations messeges.Outline five principles that should be observed to enhance effectiveness of such writing.
7. Explain five reasons that make it necessary for an organization to engage in public relations.
8. There are various services that a public relations consultancy firm may offer to a client .Outline five such services.
9. An organization would be expected to make certain preparations for its communication during crisis . Outline five such preparations.
10. One of the media that may be used for public relations is the television. Explain five disadvantages of using this media.
11. There are several challenges that non-profit organization face when managing their public relations activities . Highlight five such challenges.
12. There are certain methods that may be used to measure the effectiveness of public relations programs in an organization. Outline five such methods.
13. there are certain factors that a public relations officer may consider when determining the method to use to collect information in a research exercise. Explain five such factors.
14. Explain five factors that may limit the effectiveness of a public relations officer when implementing public relations programs in an organization.