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<=KNEC Diploma in Human Resource Management Module II: Public Relations past paper November 2013

Wambeti, the public relations director of a newly established firm would like to rank the publics of the firm in order of their importance. Explain five methods she can use to do so.

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Questions List:

1. Kibet,the public relations manager of Betika ltd,is in the process of preparing the public relations budget for the coming year. Explain five reasons that may prevent him from making the budget on the basis of the competitor`s budget.
2. There are certain factors that a public relations consultant should consider when negotiating consultancy fee with a client. Highlight these factors
3. Describe five elements that tend to define the corporate image of a firm.
4. The public relations officer at Murithe limited has decided to pass public relations messages using coloured lights .Highlights five advantages of using this method.
5. many modern organizations view customers complaints as opportunities rather than criticism. Explain five reasons that may contribute to this perception.
6. Wambeti, the public relations director of a newly established firm would like to rank the publics of the firm in order of their importance. Explain five methods she can use to do so.
7. It is becoming extremely important for public relations practitioners to be well-versed with relevant legal knowledge. Explain five reason that may account for this trend.
8. Explain five differences between public relations functions and the marketing function in an organization.
9. The management of Tausi limited intends to hire external consultants for its public relations activities. Explain five factors that it should consider when selecting the appropriate consultancy firm to hire.
10. It is important that an organization maintains good relationships with suppliers .Explain five reasons that may account for this practice.
11. Describe five elements that define good public relations.
12. Kamiru manufactirers,a medium –sized company located at katani county prefer to use trade fairs as its main media of public relations activities. Explain five benefits the organizations may derive from using this media.
13. Highlight five ways in which a manager may demonstrate good human relations while undertaking her duties.
14. Explain five benefits that an organizations may derive from practicing good relations with the internal public in an organization.