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<=KNEC diploma in ICT module 1 structured programming past paper: November 2017

Distinguish between an array and a record as used in pascal programming language

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Questions List:

1. Outline four characteristics of low level programming languages
2. Explain the term algorithm as used in programming
3. During a programming lesson, a student was required to write a program that would generate and display even numbers between 2 and 50. Represent the program logic using a flowchart.
4. Describe two modes that are used to write a file in a C program
5. Write a program in a C language that implements a null pointer
6. Explain each of the following terms as used in programming: (i)Coupling; ii)Cohesion
7. Jane, a programmer, intends to write a program for a client. Explain three factors that she could consider when selecting a programming language to use
8. Outline three properties of an array
9. Explain the purpose of the command packed in pascal programming language
10. Write a program in pascal language that prompts the user to enter the radius of a circle in main program. The program then calls the value of the radius to a sub program named calculate which computes the circumference and the area of the circle. The subprogram the return the results to the main program for output
11. Outline four reasons for compiling a program
12. A student was required to prepare documentation for a program. (i) Describe two areas of technical information that the student may include in this documentation (ii) Outline three user oriented content that should be included.
13. Write a program in C language that prompts a user to input four-digit year. The program then determines whether the year entered is a leap year or not and display an appropriate message. (Hint: A leap year is divisible by 4)
14. Distinguish between an array and a record as used in pascal programming language
15. Explain each of the following terms as used in programming: (i) Dry run; (ii) Debug.
16. Outline three elements that constitutes a for control structure as used in C programming language.
17. With the aid of a chart, describe a repeat…until control structure as used in pascal programming.
18. The following is a segment of a C program. Use it to answer the question that follows. { a=14 b=0; If(c=a/b) then printf(“a”,divided by “ b”, “is”, c); Else printf(“a”,divided by b is not “, c) } Return 0; } Rewrite the program segment correctly
19. Write a program in pascal language that prompts a user to enter alphabetic characters. The program then displays its equivalent numeric ASCII code.
20. Outline three advantages of using pseudocode when designing a program
21. Write a program in C language that calls a function that returns the absolute value of a number passed to it.
22. With aid of a diagram in each case, distinguish between a stack and a queue
23. Dorcas wrote a program during a programming lesson. (i) State two categories of test data that she could use. (ii) Describe three types of error that she could have encountered while testing the program citing an example in each case.
24. Outline two reasons for declaring a variable as global.
25. State two syntax used to add comments in each of the following languages: I. C; II. Pascal
26. Peter, a programmer, would like to create a program file to store numerous data items. Describe a search technique that would be the most appropriate for this program. Justify your answer.
27. Distinguish between selection and quick sort methods
28. Write a program in pascal language that would be used to store rainfall readings at four different times in a day from three different locations.
29. Outline three characteristics of a sequence control structure
30. Explain the term error handling as used in programming
31. Describe two approaches a programmer would use to improve the readability of a program.
32. Distinguish between source and object codes
33. Mawezo College hired a programmer to design a hostel rooms allocation program. The requirements are as follows: There are two categories of students; regular and part time. Part time students are not allowed to stay in the college hostels. First year regulars student are allocated double room if they have cleared fees. Other students are allocated a hostel as follows; fees clearance, a single
34. Outline the use of each of the following in c programming language: (i) [ ] (ii) # (iii) { }
35. Outline the order of evaluation of logical operator in C programming language
36. Write a program in pascal language that enumerates these days of the week. The program then displays a message “IT IS WEEKDAY” if the day ranges between Monday to Friday otherwise “IT IS A WEEKEND”. Use relation operators.