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<=KNEC diploma in ICT module II: System Analysis and Design past paper November 2022

Keytech company implements a management information system (MIS).
Explain three benefits of the company would accrue from its use

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Questions List:

1. Outline two roles of a system owner in system development
2. Describe two component of an expert system
3. With the aid of a diagram, describe an open system
4. Differentiate between alpha and beta testing
5. Keytech company implements a management information system (MIS). Explain three benefits of the company would accrue from its use
6. Define slack time as used in project management
7. State the stage in the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) where each of the following is a deliverable: (i) Terms of reference(TOR); (ii) program specification; (iii) feasibility report. (iv) Project Initiation Document.
8. Differentiate between form and command line interfaces as used dialog design.
9. Tumaini institute intends to load existing student record into a new system. Describe two file conversion methods they could use.
10. A logistics company has fleet of vehicle. Each vehicle is identified by a unique vehicle number, weight and destination. A vehicle can transport different items to different destinations. A destination has an address and name. A vehicle follows a schedule that has unique number and route. Draw an entity relationship diagram to represent the logic.
11. Outline three limitations of a grant chart as used in ICT project management.
12. Explain two advantages of using structured English as system design tool
13. Mary used spiral model methodology during system development. Outline three reasons for using this methodology
14. James created a data dictionary for a system he was developing. Outline four symbols he is likely to have used
15. Dwelfix Company acquired an information system through outsourcing method. Explain three circumstances that could have led to the use of this method
16. Outline four qualities of good system documentation
17. Differentiate between payback period and return on investment cost benefit analysis technique
18. Jack used object oriented programing methodology to develop an online system. Explain three attributes of this methodology
19. A group of students prepared a questionnaire for a system study. Describe three categories of questions they could have included in the questionnaire
20. Explain each of the following terms as used in system development. (i) Perfective maintenance (ii) Structured walkthrough
21. RelayTec company developed prototype for a new system. Explain three benefits of using this design method
22. Differentiate between project evaluation and review technique(PERT) and critical path method(CPM).
23. Student at Mlinzi Technical College accesses academic reports through an online learner’s portal. A student signs up on the portal by filling details in an online form. The details are then stored in a register file. A verification link is then sent to the students’ email the student use the link to change the default password. To access the report, a student is required to log in using
24. Outline four characteristics of user-friendly software
25. Explain three importance of system analysis
26. A student intends to undertake an ICT project. Explain two constraints the student is likely to encounter at the inception stage
27. Outline two problem indicators for development of an information system
28. Explain two advantages of normalization in a database design
29. Distinguish between data reliability and data integrity as used in security system
30. A company implemented a new system without training the users. Explain two challenges the users are likely to face when using the system
31. A company developed a mobile application module system for their operation. (i)Describe the most appropriate change over method the company could use. (ii)Explain two limitations of the changeover method in (i)
32. Explain three computing services an organization could use for an Information System
33. Explain two challenges of conducting focus group interview through videoconferencing
34. The management of a company stopped funding an ongoing ICT project citing its likelihood of failure. Outline four signs that that this project could have been exhibiting
35. Distinguish between legal and social feasibility studies
36. David used a decision table to design a system. There are three conditions C1, C2, and C3 and two possible outcomes D1 and D2. If two of the conditions are met, D1 applies otherwise D2. Represent this logic in a limited entry decision table.