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<=KNEC diploma in ICT module II: System Analysis and Design past paper July 2023

Explain evolutionary prototyping as used in system development

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Questions List:

1. Define functional requirements as used in system development
2. Explain two items that could be captured when formulating a problem Statement.
3. Differentiate between process oriented and data-oriented system design models
4. Pius used a decision table to design elementary process descriptions. Outline four rules followed in this design tool
5. Sharon implemented an Information System at a client's site. Describe three types of testing likely to be carried out at this site
6. Outline four roles of a system analyst
7. Explain two cloud computing services that support Information Systems
8. Duncan intends to design a questionnaire for data gathering. Explain three considerations he could make when formulating the questions
9. Noela developed an Information System for a company. Explain the criteria she could have used when selecting the development methodology
10. Outline four importance of system maintenance
11. Daniel used Structured System Analysis and Design Methodology (SSADM) an Information System. Explain three characteristics of this methodology
12. Differentiate between program and system specifications as used in system development
13. Explain evolutionary prototyping as used in system development
14. With the aid of a sketch in each case, describe the following system flowchart components: (i) Database; (ii) Manual input.
15. Techways added a new module to an existing Information System. i) Identify this type of system maintenance. (ii)Explain two challenges encountered when conducting the maintenance identified in (i).
16. Describe two system acquisition methods that do not result to complete transfer of ownership
17. Differentiate between data element and data store as used in a data dictionary
18. Melanie developed dialog forms for an Information System. Explain three input methods she could use.
19. Duncan has been appointed as an ICT project manager. Explain three roles that he could play
20. Outline two user training methods for an Information System
21. Describe two types of systems classified according to interaction with the environment
22. A company intends to acquire an Information system. Outline the criteria the company could use to determine the acquisition method
23. Maxis performed an audit for an Information System that had failed. Explain two possible causes of this failure other than cost
24. FairChore Logistics uses Information Systems for the senior management. Describe three examples of such systems
25. Outline two reasons for using spiral model in system development
26. Describe three file organization methods for an Information System
27. Differentiate between critical and dummy activities in project management
28. To qualify for a loan from a lending organization, the following conditions are considered; Age>18 years, income earned greater than amount to borrow and CRB status ok. Loan is approved if all conditions are met, otherwise loan is declined. Draw a limited entry decision table to represent this logic.
29. Outline two goals of system security
30. Explain three importance of evaluating an Information System after implementation
31. Differentiate between legal and social feasibility
32. Explain two reasons for using PERT charts in project management
33. A clerk in a hospital uses a transaction processing system. Outline four tasks she can perform with this system