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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module II Object Oriented Programming past paper: July 2017

Write a C++ program segment to demonstrate the use of this pointer in a constructor

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Questions List:

1. Outline four characteristics of abstract data types (ATD)
2. Explain the term message as used in OOP
3. With the aid of a C++ example in each case. Differentiate between a variable and a constant.
4. Describe two circumstances under which the do…while loop is most applicable in OOP
5. Write a C++ program that implements a class named myclass with the following features: Data members a and b; A member function named setl to assign characters () and ‘P’to a and b respectively, and outputs a concatenation of a and b.
6. Explain the purpose of using the namespace std in C++ programs
7. Distinguish between struct and class data structures as used in. OOP
8. Draw a program flowchart to show the execution logic of a while loop structure
9. Write a C + program that would implement a class with the dimensions of a cylinder as data members. The program should then accept the dimensions, determine and display the volume of the cylinder using a friend function.
10. Outline four typical features of object oriented programming that makes it popular in application development
11. Explain two aims of object oriented analysis and design
12. Differentiate between accessor operation and setter operation as used in OOP
13. Design two classes with relevant data and methods that can be used to manage the following communication model in a college The WhatsApp group directory of a college contains entries for each person in the college i.e. student. tutor, and staff member. Users of the directory can look up names, set phone number and chat. However, the administrator of the directory can. after supplying a password,
14. Explain the following terms as used in OOP (4 marks) (i) Instantiation (ii) access specifier
15. Describe the circumstance under which each of the following C++ program elements are most applicable. (4 marks) (i) Scope resolution operator; ii) Object parameter
16. Write a C++ program segment to demonstrate the use of this pointer in a constructor
17. Outline one advantage and one disadvantage of using overloaded functions in OOP
18. Write a C++ program that will accept the dimensions of a cuboid and use an overloaded function called calculate to determine the cross-sectional area or volume of' the cuboid. Display the area and volume accordingly
19. Outline four rules of setting destructors in OOP
20. Explain two ways in which copy constructors are used in C++ programs
21. Distinguish between text file and data file as applied in C++ programs
22. Write a C++ program that will initialize two objects, Obl (7- 8) and Ob2 (2, 5), using a constructor. The program should then determine the difference of the objects using an overloaded operator and display the values of resultant object
23. List four operators that cannot be overloaded
24. Outline two restrictions that must be considered when overloading operators in OOP
25. Explain two benefits of using files in OO programs
26. Distinguish between a stream and a template class with respect to C++ files
27. Evaluate the following C++ statement clearly. showing your working. 9 * 3 + 32 / 15 % 7 – 2 < 12 + 5 * 2 - 9 / 3
28. Figure I shows the relationship between two classes. Write a C ++ program to implement the relationship and output a, b and sum of all the data members
29. Explain the following terms as in inheritance. I. override; II. Variance.
30. Describe the circumstance under which a virtual base class is applicable in OOP
31. Files can be implemented using different open modes based on their purpose. Assuming C++ programming language, outline four values of the open modes
32. (ii) Write a C++ program segment that would open a marks database file for reading, after verifying that it is open, and outputs the contents to the screen. Note that the file contains examination marks only
33. With the aid of an example in each case, explain three types of polymorphism applicable in OOP
34. Write the C++ general syntax for a polymorphic class
35. Differentiate between abstract base class and normal base class as used in OOP
36. Sharing is the basic idea of inheritance. Justify this statement with respect to OOP
37. A student intends to solve a programing problem using a constructor and a destructor in both the base and derived classes. With the aid of a C++ program segment. demonstrate the process of creating and deleting the respective objects.
38. A software development company has adopted OOP in its current projects. Explain two ways in which the company would use to cope with the emerging trends in OOP