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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 3 Data Communication and Networking past paper: November 2013

Explain the function of each of the following NIC components:
i. Expansion bus connector. (2mks)
ii. Transceiver. (2mks)

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Questions List:

1. Define asymmetric duplex
2. Define gateway
3. Jane found the terms: concentrator, front end processor and transducer while revising through her data communication notes. Explain to Jane the function of each of the device
4. An upcoming telecommunication company intends to introduce digital encoding schemes for transmitting data. Explain three factors that should be considered when determining the type of scheme to use
5. Differentiate between hierarchical and multipath routing algorithm
6. Outline two ways in which error correction is realized in a data communication system
7. Explain the function of each of the following NIC components: i. Expansion bus connector. (2mks) ii. Transceiver. (2mks)
8. Describe the media access method used in bus network topology giving an example of application
9. Describe the media access method used in ring network topology giving an example of application
10. Figure 1 is a web address for Barafumoto Company Ltd. Explain the function of each of the parts labeled (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv).
11. Explain the function of X.21 as used in data communication systems
12. State two uses of 10BaseT
13. State two uses of 10Base5
14. Describe two specifications associated with the data link layer of the OSI
15. Explain the three disadvantages of using AM radio broadcasting in communication
16. Differentiate between code and space division multiplexing techniques
17. Outline four analog to digital modulation techniques
18. Assuming circuit switching mechanism, describe the process of communication between two network nodes.
19. Data communication devices use both synchronous and asynchronous data transfer mode. Explain two challenges of using synchronous mode
20. A radio station uses modulation frequency for its transmission of signals. Explain two ways in which the modulation is achieved
21. With the aid of a diagram, outline the structure of a tree network topology
22. Makapa steel industry uses a passive hub, but has been advised to replace it with an intelligent hub. Explain two advantages that the intelligent hub could offer
23. Define the term encapsulation as used in data communication
24. Define the term remote echo as used in data communication
25. Explain two characteristics of Metropolitan Area Network
26. With the aid of a diagram, describe UDP packet
27. Differentiate between cut through and store-forward switching method
28. Explain two applications of RS-485 as defined by Electronic Industries Alliance
29. A broadcasting media house uses microwave link for its transmission. Explain three properties of the link
30. Distinguish between serial and parallel methods of data transmission as used in telecommunication
31. State two advantages of message switching
32. Outline the function of Telnet protocol as applied in OSI
33. Outline the function of Network Time Protocol (NTP) as applied in OSI
34. Outline two services offered by the session layer of the OSI reference model
35. At the Nanyuki radio station, the FM radio operates on a frequency band of fL = 88 MHz to fH = 108 MHz. Calculate the bandwidth
36. Figure 2 shows a coaxial cable. Explain the function of each of the parts labelled (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv).
37. Explain three disadvantages of client/server network
38. A network administrator at Weltel Company introduced Internet Message Access Protocol(IMAP) to replace Post Office Protocol (POP) in the organization. Explain two advantages of IMAP that have influenced the administrator’s decision