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<=KNEC Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering Module 1: Physical Science, Mechanical Science And Electrical Engineering Principles past paper november 2022

Draw a labeled diagram of an electromagnetic wave propagating in the Z-direction

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Define each of the following with respect to radioactivity (i) half-life (ii) nuclear fission
2. State Hess’s law
3. State three properties of acid
4. Distinguish between ionic bonding and covalent
5. Draw a labeled diagram of an electromagnetic wave propagating in the Z-direction
6. Define the term specific heat capacity
7. State Pressure law of a gas
8. State Charles law of a gas
9. State two properties of X-rays
10. With the aid of a diagram, explain the principle of operation of Geiger Muller tube for detecting radiations
11. Define angular velocity
12. State Hooke’s law
13. State Newton’s second law of motion
14. State the first law of thermodynamics
15. Explain each of the following terms with reference to thermodynamics (i) Enthalpy (ii) Entropy.(
16. State Archimedes principle
17. With the aid of a diagram, explain the principle of operation of a bourdon tube gauge
18. Define each of the following i. Moment ii. torque
19. Distinguish between each of the following types of forces (i) Equilibrium and equilibrant (ii) Coplanar and concurrent.
20. Define the term electrolysis citing two areas of its application
21. State two merits of thermocouples
22. With the aid of a labeled diagram explain the operation of an attraction type moving iron instrument
23. State the superposition theorem
24. With the aid of labeled diagram, explain the hysteresis loop of magnetic material
25. With the aid of a diagram, explain the principle of operations of a single phase transformer
26. Define the term electric flux density citing its unit

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