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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module II Computer Applications II past paper: November 2017

Outline four challenges in the development of systems that can understand natural language in AI.

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Questions List:

1. State three examples of financial statements prepared in accounting
2. Explain the main function of financial accounting
3. State three areas of application for each of the following types of lines in a CAD drawing: i) Continuous- thick lines; ii) Continuous thin lines.
4. Distinguish between vector and raster data types as used in GIS software
5. Outline a way in which neural network would be used in each of the following areas: i) Vehicle transportation; ii) Office electronics; iii) Speech device; iv) Biometric devices
6. State three disadvantages of artificial intelligence as compared to natural intelligence
7. Explain the information represented by each of the following features on a GIS based map: i) Points; ii) Polygons
8. With the aid of an example in each case, distinguish between tangible assets and intangible assets as used in accounting
9. Explain the main role of an intelligent system in an organization
10. Outline two benefits that may be realized by using intelligent systems in an organization
11. Explain the effects of each of the following accounting entries on both an asset and a liability. i) Credit (CR); ii) Debit (DR).
12. Explain the term First-In First-Out inventory control strategy
13. Outline a circumstance under where First-In First-Out could be used in companies to control inventory
14. Lenny, the chief Financial Officer of XYZ Company has been asked to provide details of deductions made from the company employees’ salaries. Outline three such deductions that he would provide
15. Outline four responsibilities that an officer at the ministry of agriculture can perform using a GIS program
16. The following are the sugar stock details of a biscuit factory: • Maximum usage of 5,000 units per week. • Maximum lead time of 5 weeks. • Maximum usage of 1,000 units per week. • The minimum lead time is 3 weeks. • The reorder quantity is 12,000. Calculate the maximum level of stocks of sugar that should be held by the factory at any given time.
17. Explain the circumstance under which each of the following commands would be used in CAD application: i) mtext; ii) ortho
18. Distinguish between breadth-first search and bidirectional search techniques as used in artificial intelligence
19. With the aid of a diagram, outline the features of a journal in accounting
20. Outline four challenges in the development of systems that can understand natural language in AI.
21. Explain each of the following accounting terms: i) Return inwards; ii) Direct expenses; iii) Carriage inwards
22. Sketch the shape that would be formed from the following sequence of computer-aided design (CAD) commands and input. Line specify first point: 0,0 Specify next point or [undo]: 0, 800 Specify next point or [undo]: 1000, 800 Specify next point or [undo]:1000, 1600 Specify next point or [undo]: 2200, 1600 Specify next point or [undo]:2000, 0 Specify next point or [close/undo]: c