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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT Module 3 : Principles and Practice of management past paper July 2023

Describe five indicators of effective management in an organization

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Describe five indicators of effective management in an organization
2. Outline five benefits of applying the Human Relations theory in an organization
3. Explain five challenges that may be encountered when formulating organizational plans
4. Some organizations use committees to make decisions. Outline five advantages of using this strategy
5. Explain five non-financial incentives that may be used to motivate employees in an organization
6. Explain five ways in which the functions of a credit controller enhances debt management in an organization
7. Explain five benefits that may accrue to an organization from regular training of its employees
8. Multinational cooperation operating in developing countries usually faces certain challenges. Explain such challenges
9. There are certain factors that may limit a firm from engaging in corporate social responsibility. Explain such factors
10. Explain five steps that should be followed by a manager when making decisions
11. Explain five reasons that make it necessary for a firm to have a well-designed organizational structure
12. Explain five ways in which a manager may encourage upward communication in an organization
13. Many organizations establish salary scale for their employees. Explain five reasons why this is done
14. Strategic planning involves long range foresight and orientation of the organization. Explain the importance of the mission statement in serving this purpose