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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management Module II Elements of Labour Law and Industrial Relations Past paper November 2021

Give four reasons that make it necessary to maintain industrial harmony in an organization.

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Questions List:

1. State three rights that may be enjoyed by the Federation of Kenya Employers.
2. State four conditions that characterized the work place in Kenya before independence.
3. List four classifications of the laws of Kenya.
4. Outline four characteristics of a good trade union.
5. State three indicators of grievances among employees in an organization.
6. Outline four factors that should be considered when designing a training scheme for industrial workers.
7. Outline two objectives of the industrial Relations charter.
8. List three types of leave that an employee is entitled to as stipulated in the Employment Act.
9. Outline two effects of registering a Collective a collective agreement.
10. Outline three requirements that a trade union should meet before registration.
11. Explain six benefits that may accrue to an organisation that is affiliated to the Federation of Kenya Employers.
12. Explain the role of the Ministry of labour in enhancing industrial harmony in Kenya.
13. Give six reasons that make collective bargaining important in an organization.
14. Explain four methods of dispute resolution.
15. Outline six powers of the National Industrial Trading board as stipulated in the Industrial Training Act.
16. Highlight four sources of labour laws in Kenya.
17. Explain six circumstances when the Government may intervene in an individual's employment contract.
18. Explain four categories of trade unions in Kenya.
19. Explain six principles that govern The Industrial Relations Charter
20. Give four reasons that make it necessary to maintain industrial harmony in an organization.