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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management Module II Elements of Labour Law and Industrial Relations Past paper November 2022

State three objectives of collective bargaining.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. List four practices that a trade union should discourage among its members.
2. State four constitutional rights that deal with industrial relations as provided in the Kenyan constitution.
3. State three objectives of collective bargaining.
4. List three persons who shall not be regarded as employees according to the Work Injuries Benefits Act.
5. State three obligations of a shop steward to the members of his union in an organization.
6. .List three collective bargaining strategies.
7. State two ways in which the Federation of Kenya Employers promotes good industrial relations in the country.
8. State four consequences of strained industrial relations in an organization.
9. List three areas with respect to which discrimination should be avoided as provided by the industrial relations charter.
10. Outline three factors that the judges of the Employment and Labour Relations Court should consider when making decisions on labour disputes.
11. Explain six responsibilities of the Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) under the Industrial Relations Charter.
12. Explain four ways in which trade unions may achieve their objectives in an organization.
13. Outline four classification of Labour Laws.
14. Explain six circumstances under which the government may be responsible for poor industrial relations in an industry.
15. Highlight six types of disputes that may be referred to the Employment and Labour Relations Court.
16. Explain four roles of the National Industrial Training Board in enhancing good industrial relations in the country.
17. Explain six conditions that should be met to ensure successful collective bargaining in an organization.
18. Describe four categories of membership of the Federation of Kenya Employers (F.K.E).
19. Explain six requirements that a trade union should meet in order to be registered.
20. Outline four ways in which employees may contribute to good industrial relations in an organization.