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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management Module II Office Organization Past paper November 2021

State two benefits of No Carbon Required (NCR) stationery.

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Questions List:

1. Give three advantages of holding a video conference.
2. List four types of organization structures.
3. List four clauses contained in a memorandum of association of a public limited company.
4. State two benefits of No Carbon Required (NCR) stationery.
5. Give two reasons for ensuring proper lighting in an office.
6. List four objectives of public relations activities in an organization.
7. State three challenges of using face to face communication in an office
8. List four methods of classifying records in an office
9. State three disadvantages of using the piece rate method to compute wages for workers.
10. Give three advantages of using wooden furniture in an office.
11. Explain six reasons why an organization may prefer to use short message service (SMS) when communicating to customers
12. Outline four measures that may be taken to reduce internal noise in an office.
13. Explain six benefits that an organization may get from adopting a centralized filing system.
14. Outline four ways in which an office manager may ensure good relations among members of staff.
15. Outline six types of information that may be contained in a written contract of service.
16. Explain four reasons for using pictures to communicate.
17. Outline six features of a good office form
18. Explain four challenges that an organization may face from the use of an open office layout
19. Outline six benefits that an individual may get by becoming a member of a savings and credit co-operative society.
20. Explain four factors that should be considered when choosing an office layout.