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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management Module II Business Law Past paper July 2019

Highlight three reasons that may make a court of law declare delegated legislation substantively ultra vires.

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Questions List:

1. Highlight three reasons that may make a court of law declare delegated legislation substantively ultra vires.
2. Outline three circumstances under which a person may recover money or assets acquired under an illegal contract.
3. State two remedies available to an employee who has been wrongfully dismissed from employment.
4. In relation to the law of agency, state three types of authority that a principal may give to the agent.
5. Outline four characteristics of easement.
6. Outline four rights given to an individual by the constitution of Kenya.
7. Outline three defences that may be pleaded by a person accused of defamation.
8. State four types of damages a court may award for breach of contract.
9. Highlight three matters over which the Kadhis Court has jurisdiction.
10. Highlight the order in which the estate devolves upon the death of surviving spouse with no children in interstate succession.
11. Explain four shortcomings of case law as a source of law.
12. Explain six rights of an employee as provided by the Employment Act 2007.
13. Explain four types of bills that may be passed by the National Assembly.
14. In relation to the law of contract, outline six rules that make an offer valid.
15. Explain four circumstances under which a stranger to a contract may have the right to enforce it.
16. Highlight six functions of Rent Tribunal.
17. Explain six instances when trespass to persons would be justified under law.
18. Mune, an agent of Kimau had authority to collect paint from Livel Traders. Kimau would always place an order of paint a day before its collection by Mune. This arrangement had lasted over three years. On one occasion, just before the paint was to be collected, Mune, was sacked for insubordination. However, Kimau failed to inform Livel Traders that Mune was no longer his agent. As was the custom,
19. Highlight six circumstances under which gifts in contemplation of death would be valid.
20. Explain four ways in which ownership of property may be acquired.