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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management Module II Business Law Past paper November 2021

List three characteristics of tort.

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Questions List:

1. List three classifications of state law.
2. State the four steps of instituting a matter in the Rent Restriction Tribunal.
3. List four fundamental rights and freedoms that are not limited, as stipulated in the Constitution of Kenya.
4. State three instances when a person is deemed to be a holder in due course of a bill of exchange.
5. State three circumstances under which payment for goods and services to an agent discharges the third party.
6. List three characteristics of tort.
7. State three factors considered by the court when making an order for provision for a dependant out of a deceased's estate.
8. List three differences between private property and public property.
9. In relation to the Employment Act, state three reasons that may make an aggrieved party lodge a complaint to the labour officer.
10. State three ways in which the judiciary has integrated Information Communication Technology (ICT) in judicial proceedings.
11. In exercise of its jurisdiction, the Employment and Labour Relations Court shall have power to make certain orders. Outline six such orders.
12. No proceedings against the government shall be instituted until a notice in writing in the prescribed form has been served on the government in relation to those proceedings. Outline the particulars included in such notice.
13. Explain six reasons why parliament delegates law making powers to other persons and bodies.
14. Outline four occasions when a publication is absolutely privileged.
15. Agency by ratification arises where the principal adopts an unauthorized act of his agent as his own. Outline six requisites of such ratification.
16. Explain four remedies that may be available to a mortgagee where a contract is breached.
17. Explain six duties of an employee implied in a contract of employment.
18. Wambe offered to sell his five acre of land to Mato at Ksh. 5 million. Mato offered to purchase the piece of land at Ksh. 4.5 million but Wambe declined. After two weeks, Mato called Wambe, informing him that he was now willing to purchase the land at the original price of Ksh. 5 million. However, Wambe had changed his mind and was no longer selling the land. Mato is aggrieved and intends to sue
19. Explain six benefits of making a will.
20. Explain four instances when specific performance in a breach of contract may not be granted.