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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management Module II Elements of Labour Law and Industrial Relations Past paper July 2019

State three features that distinguish human resources from other resources in an organization.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State three features that distinguish human resources from other resources in an organization.
2. State four functions of the human resource department in an organization.
3. Give three reasons for keeping employee training records.
4. State three characteristics of a group at the storming stage.
5. State three ways in which a human resource manager may communicate human resource policies to the employees in an organization.
6. List three types of human resource policies that may be formulated in an organization.
7. List three personal attributes of a good human resource manager.
8. Give three reasons that make it necessary to establish human resource policies in an organization.
9. List four techniques used to forecast demand for labour during employment in human resource planning in an organization.
10. State three guidelines that should be followed to ensure that human resource records are properly maintained in an organization.
11. Outline six duties of a human resource manager in relation to the training of employees.
12. Highlight four characteristics of effective workgroups in an organization.
13. Outline four elements of the behavioural approach to human resource management.
14. Give six reasons why some organizations may be reluctant to computerize their human resource records.
15. Describe the stages in the evolution of human resource management.
16. Outline four ways in which informal groups may hinder achievement of set objectives in an organization.
17. Outline six objectives of human resource management.
18. Give four reasons for maintaining human resource policies in written form.
19. Explain six qualities of a good human resource policy in an organization.
20. Outline four uses of human resource records in an organization.