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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management Module II Elements of Labour Law and Industrial Relations Past paper November 2015

Explain six factors that may enhance the bargaining power of a trade union during the collective bargaining process.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State three forms of employment relationships stipulated in the Employment Act 2007.
2. Outline three roles of the labour and industrial relations officer in an organisation.
3. List four categories of trade unions in Kenya.
4. Outline three objectives the law seeks to achieve in Kenya.
5. Outline three effects of industrial disputes on an organisation.
6. List the four categories of membership of the Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE).
7. List the three parties to the Industrial Relations Charter.
8. Outline three functions of the Employment and Labour Relations Court (Industrial Court).
9. Outline three benefits that an employer may derive from a collective bargaining agreement.
10. Outline three reasons why a trade union may not be affiliated to the Central Organisation of Trade Union (COTU).
11. Explain six roles played by the Ministry of Labour in industrial relations.
12. Outline four reasons that make it necessary for an employee to join a trade union.
13. Highlight six sources of labour laws in Kenya.
14. Outline four objectives of the Federation of Kenya Employers.
15. Explain six factors that may enhance the bargaining power of a trade union during the collective bargaining process.
16. Explain four obligations of the government as stipulated in the Industrial Relations Charter.
17. Explain six merits of arbitration as a method of dispute resolution.
18. Highlight four weaknesses that may be associated with trade unions in Kenya.
19. Outline six ways in which management may contribute to poor industrial relations.
20. In relations to the Workman's Compensation Act, outline four categories of dependants.