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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Power Option) Module II : Electrical Installation II Past Paper July 2017

State two Advantages of steel conduit wiring system

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Questions List:

1. State two Advantages of steel conduit wiring system
2. State two IEE regulation requirements regarding steel conduit wiring system.
3. Describe the vertical busbar trunking rising mains wiring system
4. Explain the following terms in relation to electrical energy consumption: (i) Load factor; (ii) demand factor.
5. Explain the ‘flat rate’ type of tariff
6. (ii) A factory has the following daily load consumption: 300 kW for 2 hours per day. 100 kW for 8 hours per day. 50 kW for 4 hours per day. The charge for energy is made on the basis of Ksh. 10 per kW of maximum demand plus 0.75 cents per units, for 5 days per week and 50 week per year. Determine the cost per year of energy consumed by the factory.
7. Describe a ‘fire alarm system’
8. State four IEE regulation requirements for a bell transformer
9. Explain the difference between a receiver and a ‘transmitter’ in a bell circuit
10. Define the following terms with respect to hazardous areas: (i) Division 0; (ii) Division 1;
11. Outline three IEE regulation requirements for installing steel conduits in the following environments: (i) damp situation; (ii) Flammable and explosive areas.
12. Explain the generation of static electricity in hospital and industries
13. Explain how to overcome static charges