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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Power Option) Module II : Electrical Installation II Past Paper July 2020

Outline three IEE regulation requirements regarding conduit wiring system

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Define ‘wiring system’
2. Explain each of the following factors considered when selecting a particular wiring system of a house: (i) Cost; (ii) Accessibility (iii) Durability.
3. Outline three IEE regulation requirements regarding conduit wiring system
4. Outline three essential features of every consumer’s supply intake point as required by the IEE regulations.
5. Illustrate a three-phase four-wire industrial supply intake point as required by the IEE regulations
6. Explain the following types of electric tariffs: (i) Off-peak tariff; ii) Maximum demand tariff.
7. A factory has a maximum demand of 2400 KVA at a power factor of 0.8 lagging. The tariff is Ksh 200 per KVA of a maximum demand. Determine the annual saving in electricity charge if the power factor is improved to 0.9 lagging
8. State three types of hazards that may be encountered in the electrical installations
9. Describe flame-proof equipment
10. Explain two IEE regulation requirements regarding temporary installations
11. Differentiate between manual and automatic call points
12. Draw a labeled diagram of a single stroke bell