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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management Module II Practice of Human Resource Management Past paper November 2021

Outline four challenges that may be faced in succession management.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State three advantages of recruitment through the internet.
2. State three indicators of the need to train employees in an organization.
3. State four factors that an organization should consider when forecasting human resource needs.
4. State four external sources of recruitment available to an organization.
5. State four ways in which an organization may benefit from proper placement of employees.
6. State four benefits of training to an employee.
7. State two advantages of using questionnaire to collect data for a job analysis exercise.
8. State three limitations of using tests in the selection of employees.
9. State three purposes of carrying out interviews during the selection process.
10. State two qualities that an employees should possess in order to take up a senior management position in an organization.
11. Outline six areas that should be covered in an induction programme.
12. Explain four reasons why medical examination is a requirement during employee selection.
13. Explain six measures that management should take to ensure the effectiveness of a training programme in an organization.
14. Outline four challenges that may be faced in succession management.
15. Explain six merits of recruiting employees from internal sources.
16. Outline four types of information that should be included in a job description.
17. Outline six external factors that may influence the recruitment of employees in an organization.
18. Explain four purposes of carrying out job analysis in an organization.
19. Explain six benefits that an organization may get from effective human resource planning.
20. Explain four ways in which an organization may benefit from using off-the-job training method.