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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Power Option) Module II : Industrial Machines and Control Past Paper July 2021

The e.m.f in the rotor of an 8 pole induction motor has a frequency of 1.8 Hz and that in the stator is 50Hz. Determine the
i) Slip
ii) Motor speed

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State two types of motor enclosures
2. With aid of a circuit diagram, explain the operation of a d.c compound wound motor
3. The e.m.f in the rotor of an 8 pole induction motor has a frequency of 1.8 Hz and that in the stator is 50Hz. Determine the i) Slip ii) Motor speed
4. Draw a well labeled circuit diagram of a manual star-delta starter for a three phase induction motor.
5. i)Explain ‘motor speed controller’ ii)List two control devices in (i).
6. b)i)With an aid of a circuit diagram, explain rheostatic speed control of a d.c shunt motor. ii)State three drawbacks of the speed control method in (b) (i).
7. Outline four mechanical checks carried out on mounted and wired electrical machines
8. Draw a labeled diagram of a single phase half wave thyristor speed control of a d.c. motor
9. Explain ‘industrial control panel’ as used in factory installations
10. Outline four features of a good industrial control panel design
11. With aid of a diagram, describe the elements of an instrumentation system
12. Name four main parts of a programmable logic controller
13. Using 3 x 5 dot matrix, show how numerals 3 and 4 will be displayed

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