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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module II Computer Applications II past paper: November 2013

Define the term geo-statistics as used in GIS

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Questions List:

1. Describe the concept of going concern as used in accounting
2. State three elements of vector data as used in GIS.
3. Arthur intends to purchase a computer to be used for a Turing test during an artificial intelligence practice session. Explain three properties that the computer should possess
4. The following transactions were drawn from the books of accounts of Muse and Company. Post these transactions to the relevant ledger accounts and balance off the accounts: 2/5/2010 owner started business with shs.60,000 cash; 3/5/2010 received 40,000 cash a bank loan; 4/5/2010 bought goods worth 10,000 and paid in cash. 7/5/2010 deposited part of the cash in hand
5. Explain two sources of special data in GIS
6. Define the term geo-statistics as used in GIS
7. Abel intends to identify the shortest distance between four towns in his county using a search method. Outline three factors that he should consider when choosing a search method in artificial intelligence.
8. Differentiate between asset value and liability balances as used in accounting programs.
9. Cora prepares accounting information for her business using various financial statements. Outline three uses of this information to her business enterprise.
10. Describe three components of logic as used in artificial intelligence.
11. Rachael, a researcher was investigating the spread of cholera in her county and she used raster data to describe the phenomena. Outline three advantages of using this type of data.
12. Outline four disadvantages of expert systems.
13. Differentiate between model space and paper space as used in CAD applications.
14. State two types of grip tools used in CAD applications
15. Alex was advised to use trial balance in his business. Outline three functions of this statement to his business
16. Differentiate between inductive and deductive reasoning as used in artificial intelligence.
17. Joyce an architect prefers to use blocks feature in CAD programs for her drawings. Outline three reasons for his preference.
18. Outline three applications of machine learning in the banking industry
19. Define the term fuzzy logic as used in artificial intelligence.
20. Keith used the following accounts when preparing a company file in an accounting application. Describe the functions of each of these accounts as used in accounting applications. i) Equity; (ii) Accounts recievable; (iii) Non-posting account.