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<=KNEC diploma in ICT module II: System Analysis and Design past paper November 2018

With an aid of a diagram, describe the stages in the spiral system development life cycle

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Questions List:

1. Outline four rules that should be observed when drawing a data flow diagram
2. Explain three responsibilities of a project manager in an Information Communication Technology project
3. Nina a system analyst at Faida company, developed system documentation. Explain three purpose of this documentation
4. Techbriz company is undertaking an Information Communication Technology Project which is almost failing. Explain two signs exhibited by such project
5. Outline four advantages of using questionnaires in data gathering
6. Differentiate between preventive and perfective system maintenance
7. Diztech Company has acquired a new system and would like to train the users. Describe three categories of such users
8. Baraka company limited has acquired a Management Information system (MIS). Explain two benefits that the company would realize from this system
9. Outline four advantages of using Gantt chart during project management
10. With an aid of a diagram , Describe the waterfall model as used in system design
11. Explain two benefit of carrying out feasibility study in system development
12. Hilary used a top down analysis Methodology in ICT project. Explain four reasons for his choice
13. Describe one component of a user manual
14. Faith a system designer, used the Jackson structured programming to design a system. With an aid of a sketch, describe two notations she could have used
15. A team leader of an ICT project realized that they may not achieve the laid down objectives. Explain three strategies that the leader would apply to achieve the objectives
16. A system analyst prepared the term of reference for a system. Outline four items that the analyst could have included in his document
17. Distinguish between leasing and outsourcing system acquisition method
18. Describe each of the following types of systems. (6 marks) (i) Open (ii)Probabilistic (iii)Adaptive
19. A system designer used functional decomposition in a system. Explain three advantages of this tool
20. State two objects of a data dictionary
21. Paul used a data dictionary in analyzing a system. Outline two benefits he realized from using this
22. James a system analyst carried out a feasibility study for a system. Explain three areas of such studies
23. Differentiate between structured and Menu driven system analysis approaches
24. LizTech, an ICT company, uses project management software in a project. Explain three uses of this software
25. Outline three advantages of using flowchart as system analysis tool
26. Elimubora Technical intends to develop a system using a new trend of system development. Outline three such trends
27. Distinguish between a system designer and a system developer
28. Explain two reasons why employees should be trained to use new systems
29. With an aid of a diagram, describe the stages in the spiral system development life cycle
30. Explain three components of system design
31. A student intends to use interview techniques to collect data for a project. Explain two disadvantages of this technique
32. Paul developed a system using a structural system analysis and design methodology (SSADM). Describe three model of this Methodology that he could have used