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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module II Computer Applications II past paper: November 2016

In the list of computer-aided design(CAD) program commands.
Explode ,Viewport, Join, spline, UCS
i) Identify those which do not alter the shape of the drawing.
ii) In each case, state the use of the commands identified in (i)

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Questions List:

1. Define each of the following terms as used in accounting: i) Cash account. ii) Balance sheet.
2. When Jane was browsing through a financial accounting application folder, she noted the files named KIKOTI.QBB and KIKOTI.QWB. Distinguish between the information in the two files.
3. Design Blue is an architectural design company for houses. The company uses computer-aided design (CAD) templates for their new tasks. i) Define the term template; ii) Explain benefits that the company is likely to gain from using this approach.
4. Outline three advantages the company would gain using computer-aided design (CAD) programs instead of the manual system.
5. Explain the role of each of the following types of accounting in an organization. i) Financial accounting; ii) Management accounting.
6. An organization is tasked to map all the natural resources in a region using a geographic information system (GIS) application. Explain a reason that would make the company to use each of the following types of data in the system: i) Point data; ii) Linear data; iii) Areal data.
7. List four stakeholders that may have interests in financial accounting reports produced by a bank.
8. Determine the owner’s equity for a company which has the following balances in their books of accounts. - Land worth Ksh.1,000,000 - Machinery worth 2, 050, 000 - Cash amounting to Ksh. 2, 900,000 - Loan borrowed worth Ksh.5,00,000
9. Explain how artificial intelligence is used in each of the following areas. i) Planning. ii) Scheduling.
10. Explain two reasons why organizations prepare trial balances in their financial accounting procedures.
11. The ministry of education intends to develop a geographical information system (GIS) system that would be used to study the distribution of schools in the country. Outline three ways in which they would get spatial data into their system.
12. Distinguish between intelligent agents and a percept as used in artificial intelligence.
13. A new college has been has been advised to record their financial transaction using journals. Explain three benefits gained from this approach.
14. Explain two models used to represent spatial data digitally in a geographic information system (GIS).
15. Distinguish between inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning as used in artificial intelligence.
16. In the list of computer-aided design(CAD) program commands. Explode ,Viewport, Join, spline, UCS i) Identify those which do not alter the shape of the drawing. ii) In each case, state the use of the commands identified in (i)
17. Describe each of the following pricing methods used in inventory controls. i) FIFO. ii) LIFO.
18. Distinguish between a note and an invoice as used in accounting.
19. Describe each of the following search techniques used in artificial intelligence. i) Breadth-first search. ii) Bidirectional search. iii) Hill-climbing search.