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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module II Computer Applications II past paper: July 2022

) State a circumstance that would necessitate the use of each of the following CAD commands:
(i) lweight
(ii) limits
(iii) Oops.

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. State the meaning of each of the following terms as used in artificial intelligence: (i) Autonomous robot (ii) Rule (iii) Forward chaining
2. Explain each of the following terms as used in Geographical Information system: (i) Resolution (ii) remote sensing
3. Distinguish between break and explode command as used in computer-aided design (CAD) program.
4. Outline four ways an agricultural extension officer could use Geographic Information System in livestock farming.
5. Outline three types of accounts commonly found in double entry book-keeping
6. A CAD user opted to enable each of the following features in a CAD program while drawing: (i) Ortho mode; (ii) object snap mode Explain the effect of each while drawing.
7. Explain two process that can be applied to vector data in a Geographical Information System
8. Explain the term bank-reconciliation statement as used in accounting
9. State a way in which each of the following items are treated in a bank reconciliation statement. (I) Uncredited cheques; (II) Bank charges.
10. Outline the circumstances that may necessitate the use of the following features in a CAD program: (i) Hide layer; (ii) grips
11. Intelligent robots assists in accomplishing dangerous jobs. Outline three areas where such robot could be applied.
12. Bitmap Geospace Company would like to set up a geospatial department to provide support services for supported services for business dealing with spatial data. Explain two GIS components that the company should consider during the set up.
13. Distinguish between capital expenditure and revenue expenditure as used in accounting.
14. State six examples of infrastructural amenities that could be managed using a GIS in a city.
15. Explain the effects of applying each of the following commands to a drawing created in a CAD program. (i) Hatch (iii) Mirror (iv) Offset (v) Group
16. Elite School management purchased land on credit from Mashamba Limited to expand to school. Explain the effect of each of this purchase on the following accounting items: (i) asset (ii) Liabilities
17. The management of Movo company was advised to apply double entry bookkeeping in their accounting procedures. (i) Explain the meaning of double entry bookkeeping. (ii) Outline three benefits that the company may gain from accounting.
18. Describe each of the following item as used in artificial intelligence: (i) Expert system (ii) Supervised machine learning.
19. With aid of examples, differentiate between spatial data and non-spatial data as used in Geographic information system.
20. ) State a circumstance that would necessitate the use of each of the following CAD commands: (i) lweight (ii) limits (iii) Oops.
21. Explain each of the following types o learning as used in artificial intelligence: (i) Deductive learning (ii) abductive learning
22. Distinguish between a point feature and a polygon feature as used in a geographical information system (GIS).
23. Distinguish between trial balance and balance sheet as used in accounting.