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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 2 Database Management System past paper: July 2022

Distinguish between Master file and transaction file as used in databases

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Questions List:

1. Outline four advantages of database system.
2. Explain each of the following phases of database design: (i) Database planning; (ii) Requirement analysis; (iii) Physical design.
3. With aid of a symbol in each case, describe the following terms as used in entity relationship modeling: (i) Entity set; (ii) Attribute.
4. Write an SQL statement for each of the following relational algebra expressions: (i) ∏▒〖N〖ame(σ Salary>1000)〗^((Staff)) 〗 (ii) σ 〖position=Manager〗^Staff
5. Outline two soft skills that a database administrator should possess.
6. Describe each of the following database back up methods: (i) Full; (ii) Incremental.
7. Distinguish between full and partial incremental dependencies as used in database normalization.
8. Explain two advantages of data warehousing.
9. Paul was hired to coordinate a database project which failed before the completion time. Explain three reasons that could have caused this failure.
10. Differentiate between form and report as used in database.
11. With aid of syntax, describe each of the following clauses as used in SQL: (i) IN; (ii) BETWEEN.
12. Explain the term data independence as used in a database
13. Describe three generations of a database
14. Distinguish between schema and instance as used in databases
15. Table 1 shows details of hotel booking in a database system. Use it to answer the question that follow. (i) Normalize the data in the table to 2NF (ii) Outline three anomalies eliminated by normalization
16. ) Explain each of the following terms as applied in database system security: (i) Discretionary access control; (ii) View
17. Dave, a computer student would like to decompose a database table using bottom up approach: (i) Sate the most appropriate technique that he could use; (ii) Explain two circumstances that could have necessitated the use of this approach.
18. Table 2 shows details of department in an organization. Use it tom answer questions that follows.
19. Outline four advantages of level in tiered database architecture.
20. Differentiate between composite and alternate keys as used in relational databases.
21. Distinguish between cascade and restrict command as used in database views
22. With aid of diagrams, describe thin client server architecture
23. The following two tables; Customer and Plot, shows details of customers and plots respectively. Use them to answer the question that follows.
24. State two quantifiers used in relational algebra
25. Explain the term closure as used in relational algebra
26. Distinguish between Master file and transaction file as used in databases
27. Table 3 shows the output of a full join performed on two tables; Customer and Branch. Use it answer the question that follows.

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