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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 2 Database Management System past paper: July 2023

Distinguish between sorting and indexing as used in databases

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Questions List:

1. Outline four characteristics of a primary key in a database
2. Distinguish between associated record and orphan record as used in database
3. Describe each of the following as used in a database: (i) meta data (ii) data dictionary (iii) database instance
4. John, a system analyst, used an entity relationship diagram to design a database. Explain three benefits he would derive from the use of this design tool.
5. Outline four challenges posed by integrating artificial intelligence in database
6. Figure 1 shows an entity relationship diagram. Use it to answer the question that follow.
7. State the meaning of null value as used in a database
8. Outline three circumstances that may lead to the occurrence of a null value in a database
9. With aid of an example in each case, explain the following quantifiers in a relational algebra: (i) Existential quantifier, (ii) Universal quantifier.
10. Differentiate between IN clause and BETWEEN clause as used in structured query language.
11. The following is a relation considered to be in its 2nd normal form. Use it to answer the question that follow.
12. Outline four reasons that can lead to loss of data in a database
13. Outline three reasons why a database administrator is required to constantly audit an organization database
14. John entered data in a database and performed some operations that changed the state of the database. Explain three such operations.
15. With the aid of a diagram, describe three-tier architecture of a database
16. Outline four access privileges that may be granted to a database user.
17. State two differences between truncate and drop commands as used in structured query language.
18. Explain three benefits of using structured query language to manage data in databases.
19. State the category of each of the following SQl commands, giving reason for your answer. (i) CREATE (ii) INSERT INTO (iii) ROLLBACK
20. Describe each of the following category of end users in a database environment: (i) Parametric; (ii) Sophisticated (iii) Casual
21. An organization requires a database designed for their operations. Explain three considerations that should be made during this process.
22. Outline four properties of a transaction in a database
23. Distinguish between sorting and indexing as used in databases
24. Explain three types of data protection methods that may be applied in a database management system.
25. An organization intends to use database management system to support its operations. Explain three challenges the organization may face as a result of using the application
26. State four elements of a database schema;
27. Explain three disadvantages of flat file approach over relational database approach in respect to data management.
28. The following is a relation named tenants showing details of tenants in various apartments. Use it to answer the questions that follow: Write an SQL statement that would display each of the following: (i) all records for the latest occupation date in the field latest-date; (ii) average House_rent for all apartment with the Name Balozi in the field named avgbalozi; (iii) Minimum house rent in a fie

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