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<=Diploma in ICT module 3 Data Communication and Networking past paper: March 2023

Explain three challenges facing both service providers and users when connecting internet in local areas.

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Questions List:

1. Explain two factors that should be considered when selecting an Internet service provider, other than cost.
2. Outline four limitations of e-learning platforms
3. Paul was required to design a computer network for a client. Outline four guidelines that he should follow during the design stage.
4. Differentiate between 2.4 GHZ and 5.0 GHZ Wi-Fi frequency bands
5. Network authentication is used to keep off unauthorized user from accessing the network resources. Describe two types of authentication that are commonly used.
6. Outline three characteristics for client-server computing.
7. Distinguish between managed and unmanaged network switches
8. Outline three challenges of Bluetooth communication
9. Patrick was required to troubleshoot a network interface card that was not showing physical connectivity. Outline four possible causes of the problem.
10. During installation of a computer star topology network, several components should consider. Describe such components.
11. Explain two disadvantages of fibre optic cables
12. Outline two problems associated with token ring topology network
13. Distinguish between switched virtual circuit (SVC) and permanent virtual connection(PVC) as used in frame relay configurations
14. Open-end Company Ltd. Intends to install a data security device that has just emerged in the market. Explain two strategies that the company would use in order to enable its staff cope with the proposed installation
15. Explain three circumstances that would necessitate the use of challenge-Handshake Authenticate Protocol (CHAP) in a WAN connection.
16. Outline two typical characteristics of Thin Ethernet standard.
17. Ethernet uses data encapsulation technique to facilitate data transmission from sender to receiver. Explain two benefits of using this technique
18. Mercy was required to justify the decision to installing a computer network in her company. Outline four justifications she could have provided
19. Explain two advantages of getting software assurance when procuring a communication software.
20. Paul was required to troubleshoot an email server problem within his company’s network. Outline six causes of the problem that he could have identified
21. Outline two reasons that could influence the use of ISDN in WAN connections.
22. Distinguish between simplex communication and half duplex data communication.
23. Figure 1 shows a diagram of a fibre cable. Use it to answer the question that follows.
24. Maria was investigating several characteristics of demand priority media access methods. Outline four characteristics that she could have established.
25. OSPF creates a database that stores available link-state information of a network. Explain three tables that are likely to be found in the database.
26. Explain three challenges facing both service providers and users when connecting internet in local areas.
27. Ann intends to design an institutional network with several subnets. Outline four reasons that would influence her decision to use subnets
28. Differentiate between zero-day and patch as used in computer software security.
29. UDP protocol lacks connections requirements and data verification causing issues when transmitting packets. Explain three possible issues.
30. Outline four steps used by Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) during file transfer.
31. Outline two roles of network interface card.
32. With the aid of diagram, outline a data communication system.
33. Outline two advantages of a secure hypertext transfer protocol (HTTPS)
34. Explain two circumstances under which coaxial cable would be most appropriate when installing a computer network
35. Differentiate between loopback and automatic private IP addresses.
36. Explain three functions of a session layer of the OSI model.
37. Mark, a network support assistant was required to test TCP/IP connection for a newly installed in their company. Describe three tools that he could use to complete the task.
38. Nadia was advised to carry out a clean installation for a network operating software for her company. Outline four advantages of this type of installation.

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