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<=Diploma in ICT module 3 Data Communication and Networking past paper: November 2015

Majority of network engineers prefer to use IP address version 6 instead of IP version 4. Outline five limitations of IP version 4 (IPV4) that could be influencing this preference. (5mks)

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Questions List:

1. Describe the term throughput as used in data communication. (2mks)
2. Outline three benefits of OSI model in data communication. (3mks)
3. Vincent was required to investigate the demerits of the broadcast transmission method. Outline five demerits that he could have established. (5mks)
4. Outline two typical features of a 10BaseT network. (2mks)
5. Rose intends to install a star topology in her company’s network. Outline four factors that she should consider before installation, other than cost. (4mks)
6. Network administrators are support to monitor and troubleshoot a network by use of a set of network documentation. Explain two types of documents that they could use. (4mks)
7. Outline two functions of a Network operating System (NOS). (2mks)
8. Describe two components of a network communication system. (4mks)
9. Differentiate between bottom-up and top-down troubleshooting methods. (4mks)
10. A lecturer described the functions of TCP/IP protocol to a class. Outline five functions he could have mentioned. (5mks)
11. Majority of network engineers prefer to use IP address version 6 instead of IP version 4. Outline five limitations of IP version 4 (IPV4) that could be influencing this preference. (5mks)
12. Explain each of the following type of network design: i) Stub; (2mks) ii) Flat. (2mks)
13. Differentiate between packet switching and circuit switching as used in data communication. (4mks)
14. S24 Company Ltd. Intends to incorporate several fault tolerance measure in its network design. Explain two measures that the company could consider. (4mks)
15. Frame relay is cost effective for WAN connections. Outline four reasons justifying this statement. (4mks)
16. Outline three benefits of ring topology in organizations. (3mks)
17. Outline three types of networks based on the number of devices serviced. (3mks)
18. Explain the following security issues of data communication systems: i) Identity theft; (2mks) ii) Piracy. (2mks)
19. Mary was required to explain functions of a browser program in a computer during a job interview. Outline five functions that she could have mentioned. (5mks)
20. Felix was required to design a shortest path routing algorithm for a data communication system. Outline five goals that should drive the exercise. (5mks)
21. Define the term latency as used in network troubleshooting. (2mks)
22. Explain one factor that could affect bandwidth of a transmission media. (2mks)
23. Differentiate between a hub and a repeater as used in computer networks. (4mks)
24. East Company Ltd. Intends to use power Ethernet technology for its proposed network. Outline four benefits that it could realize from this decision. (4mks)
25. ISDN is still widely used for WAN connectivity. Explain two types that could be used in organizations. (4mks)
26. Jamaa Technical College intends to install internet hotspots in their lecturers’ rooms. Explain two advantages of this type of service. (4mks)
27. Explain each of the following data transfer modes in files transfer protocol: i) Stream; (2mks) ii) Block; (2mks) iii) Compressed. (2mks)
28. Figure 1 shows a typical tool bar of an Ethernet program. Explain two physical resources that should be used with the feature labelled (i). (4mks)
29. Ethernet technology has continued to dominate data communication. Outline five of its strengths that could be aiding this trend. (5mks)
30. IP multicast transmission is designed to conserve the bandwidth of a network. Outline five examples of its application in typical network. (5mks)
31. Outline two challenges of using the internet in organizations. (2mks)
32. Explain four circumstances that would necessitate use of fiber optic cable in corporate network. (8mks)
33. Differentiate between half duplex and full duplex data communication. (4mks)
34. Assume you were consulted by an organization to recommend the measures that it could take to mitigate emerging trends in data communication. Explain three measure that you could recommend. (6mks)
35. List four categories of twisted copper wire that could be used in building networks. (2mks)
36. Differentiate between symmetric and asymmetric encryption as applied in data security. (4mks)
37. Data security measures require consultation with all stakeholders in the organization. Explain two logical security measures that could be incorporated in a data communication even without consultation. (4mks)
38. Explain the term access layer as used in network design. (2mks)
39. TCP is considered a reliable transport protocol. Outline four basic operations that promote its reliability. (4mks)
40. For each of the following scenario, identify the appropriate communication software: i) Sharing private information with friends; (1mk) ii) Sending assignments to a lecturer; (1mk) iii) Sending short messages to a workmate; (1mk) iv) Sending monthly price catalogue to clients. (1mk)

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