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<=Diploma in ICT module 3 Data Communication and Networking past paper: July 2017

Zawadi was required to select a proprietary distance vector routing protocol that would provide extremely quick convergence times with minimal network traffic.
i) Identify the most appropriate routing protocol that she could prefer to use justifying your answer.
ii) Explain two drawbacks of the protocol identified in (i)

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Questions List:

1. Explain each of the following terms as used in the internet: i) webpage; ii) hyperlink;
2. Peter intends to acquire communication software for his company’s computer systems. Outline four factors other than cost that he should consider while carrying out the task.
3. Mondi Company Ltd. Would like to implement encryption techniques in their network. Explain two types of encryption techniques that the company could consider using.
4. Explain two methods of acquiring computer equipment.
5. Token passing is a classic media access methods used in local area networks. Explain two of its strengths that could be influencing its popularity.
6. Outline three benefits of a client-server network model.
7. Distinguish between a repeater and a transceiver as used in computer networks.
8. Outline two examples of network transmission impairments.
9. Vicky was required to use divide-and conquer troubleshooting technique to solve a problem in a client’s network. Explain two challenges that she could have realized when using this technique.
10. In order to carry out a network design, one is required to conduct user needs analysis. Explain three significances of this stage.
11. Describe two types of fiber optic cables.
12. Outline two typical characteristics of a local area network.
13. Several organizations are cautious about using public cloud computing. Outline four issues that could be influencing its adoption
14. Data encapsulation is a critical process in the transport layer of OSI. Explain three uses of this process.
15. Outline two types of multiplexing techniques.
16. Distinguish between broadcast and loopback IP addresses.
17. Ruth intends to use unguided transmission medium for her company’s network. Explain two limitations of this medium.
18. Quality of service majorly depends on the bandwidth of a network. Outline four factors that are considered when determining the bandwidth.
19. IP is key in accessing the internet. Explain three limitations characteristics of IP.
20. Differentiate between star and hybrid network topologies.
21. Explain three functions of the session layer as used in OSI
22. With the aid of a diagram, describe the TCP/IP layer model
23. A network design should be properly laid out to achieve network availability. Outline four guidelines that should be followed to achieve this objective
24. Outline four tools that could be used when troubleshooting a network.
25. Define the term channel as applied in data transmission.
26. Nancy configured a domain naming server (DNS) for her company’s network. Explain two roles that the server would provide.
27. Outline two roles of a hub in a computer network.
28. Explain two circumstances under which a network administrator could disable SSID (Service Set Identifier) of a wireless access point.
29. Explain each of the following terms as used in the internet: i) bookmark; ii) plug-in; iii) Search engine
30. Keith intends to propose physical security measure for a network. Outline four physical measures that he could have identified
31. Differentiate between a malware and ransom ware as applied in a network security.
32. Zawadi was required to select a proprietary distance vector routing protocol that would provide extremely quick convergence times with minimal network traffic. i) Identify the most appropriate routing protocol that she could prefer to use justifying your answer. ii) Explain two drawbacks of the protocol identified in (i)
33. Outline two attributes 0f 10 base T Ethernet standards.
34. For each of the following scenarios, state the appropriate transmission method: i) Walkie-talkie communication; ii) cell phone conversion; iii) lecture in a class lesson; iv) market selling / buying session
35. Miriam identified several layers of an Ethernet frame during a job appraisal. Outline the first four layers of an Ethernet frame that she could have identified.
36. Distinguish between instant messaging and podcasting as applied in Internet services.
37. Mitambo Technical Institute installed wireless internet in the student’s hostels. Explain three benefits that the student will realize from the installation.

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