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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 2 Visual Programming past paper: July 2023

With the aid of an example, outline the function of each of the following operators as used in visual basic program:
(i) caret(^);
(ii) Mod
(iii) Backslash(\)
(iv) AND

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Questions List:

1. Outline the function of each of the following textbox control properties as used in visual basic program: (i) AutoSize; (ii) Locked; (iii) MultiLine (iv) ReadOnly.
2. Explain three hardware considerations to be made when installing a Visual Basic program.
3. Explain the circumstance that would necessitate the use of each of the following data types in visual basic program; (i) Boolean; (ii) Single; (iii) Variant.
4. Distinguish between Active Data Object (ADO) and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) as used in a visual basic program:
5. State the function of each of the following interfaces in a Visual Basic Program: (i) Data view window; (ii) Watch window; (iii) Project explorer window.
6. Differentiate between form.hide and unload me statements as used in visual basic program.
7. Explain a circumstance under which each of the following compile error message may be displayed during visual basic execution: (i) Expected: end of statement; (ii) Syntax error; (iii) Type mismatch.
8. Figure 1 shows a visual basic program form with ADO control having its connections string and record source properties set to connect to a database. Write a visual basic program for the Add button that allows a user to add details form the texts boxes to a database table.
9. Outline the procedure followed in shell sort algorithms in programming.
10. Explain each of the following interfaces created in a visual basic programs: (i) Multiple document interface; (ii) Tree view interface
11. Distinguish between refresh and update records methods of data control in a visual basic program;
12. A company pays commission to sale representative based on the criteria shown in Table1. Use it to answer the questions that follow. Write a visual basic program that will accept the sale amount through the use of an input box and compute the commission earned. The program should then output the commission in a message box. Use the select case control structure and attach the code to a form load
13. Outline four advantages of using bubble algorithms in programming
14. Distinguish between BOF and EOF record set object properties ADO control used in a visual basic programming.
15. A program developer used the break mode interface during program debugging in a visual basic program. Explain three activities the developer is likely to perform in the interface.
16. The sum of the first 20 terms of the following series is to be computed 7, 17, 27, 37,… Write a visual basic program that uses function to compute the sum of the series and display the results in a message box. Use while loop control structure and attach the code to a command button.
17. Explain each of the following activities carried out during program development in a visual basic programming: (i) Compilation; (ii) Debugging; (iii) Execution.
18. Distinguish between for… loop and for each….next loop program control structures as used in visual basic programming, giving the syntax in each case
19. Figure 2 shows a visual basic form used to add data in the three fields of the Authors table in a database. Table 1 shows properties for the controls used in the form. Write the code for each of the following (i) cmdMoveNext_Click() event; (ii) the cmdDelete_Click() event.
20. Explain three options that a programmer can specify using on-error statement to manage errors in visual basic programming.
21. A programmer intends to use ADO control to manage records in the database while creating a visual basic program. Outline four types of recordset in ADO that the programmer is likely to use.
22. State two differences between standard modules and form modules as used in a visual basic program.
23. With the aid of an example, outline the function of each of the following operators as used in visual basic program: (i) caret(^); (ii) Mod (iii) Backslash(\) (iv) AND
24. State four tasks that can be performed in data environment designer as used in report generation in visual basic programming.
25. With the aid of an example, explain each of the following terms as used in arrays: (i) subscript; (ii) index.
26. Write a visual basic program that prompts a user to enter the first five integers through the use of input function. Each time the value is entered, it is assigned to an array named Myarray. The program should then compute the average of the values and display the result on a label, use a Do… while loop and attach the code to a command button.
27. Explain each of the following types of visual basic program environment: (i) Design environment; (ii) Run-time environment
28. State four differences between local variable and global variables as used in a visual basic program.
29. Interpret the following visual basic program code statement by statement: Dim username As String Dim position As Integer Dim count As Integer Username = “DEPARTMENT” For position =1 To Len(username) username=Mid(username, position +1) Picture1. Print username Next
30. Figure 4 shows an interface of a hotel system used for selecting food items from the available items. Use it to answer the questions that follow. Write a visual basic program code for each of the following command button: (i) Add>> that allows a user to make decision of any food item from the available items list box and places it in the selected item list box. (ii) Delete that allows a user to

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