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<=KNEC Diploma in ICT module 2 Visual Programming past paper: July 2017

Outline four navigation methods of a recordset object.

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Questions List:

1. Define the term visual as used in visual programming .
2. Other than visual basic, state other visual programming language that can be used for application development.
3. A computer lab technician wants to install a visual basic 6.0 on a computer with the following specifications: • Android operating system • A 32 MB RAM • Hard disk space of 116MB Explain two reasons that may make the installation not successful.
4. Outline four factors to consider when naming object in visual programming environment.
5. Explain two ways used in a visual basic program to pass parameters to a function.
6. Describe three levels of variables declaration in a visual basic program.
7. Distinguish between name and text property of an object as used in visual basic environment.
8. A soda wholesaler sells a 300ml bottle of soda for KSH 25 less than 200 bottles and Kshs 23 per bottle when a customer purchases 200 or more. Write a Visual basic program that prompts the user for the total number of bottles purchased through the use of textbox. The program should then compute the total cost and display the results on a picture box.
9. State the type of error to be displayed in each of the following cases: (I) Using an if statement without an end if; (II) Program adding two numbers 50+50 and gives result 5050; (III) Using a prefix textfirstnumber instead of txtfirst that exist on the property window
10. Explain each of the following properties assigned to a label at design time in a visual basic program. (6 marks) (i) Autosize; (ii) Forecolor; (iii) TabIndex.
11. Write a visual basic program that would display the following multiplication table on a form when a number 6 is created in a textbox. Use a for loop 6×1=6 6×2=12 6×3=18 6×4=24 6×5=30 6×6=36
12. Other than the use of commas, describe two function that may be used to format text in a visual basic program. Give an example in each case.
13. Distinguish between data control and data engine as used in visual basic program.
14. Outline the use of a Boolean flag in programming.
15. Outline four navigation methods of a recordset object.
16. Describe three optional parameters of the open database method that are used during the connection.
17. A programmer intends to display a graphic on a visual basic program interface. Describe two control that he would use to achieve his goal.
18. Martin would like to use recordset object to manipulate data in a database. Describe three that that he is likely to use.
19. Outline three benefits of using control arrays in a visual basic program.
20. Distinguish between a parameter and a local variable as used in visual basic program. Give an example in each case.
21. Describe three circumstances under which ADO cursor may be used during data connection.
22. Table 2 shows remarks displayed when a letter is input in to a computer. Use it to answer the question that follows Write a visual basic program that would accept a word through the use of an inputbox function. The program should then determine the number of characters in the word and display the remark on a picture box based on the number of letters as shown on table 2. Use case statement
23. State six examples of databases supported by a visual basic program.
24. Explain two effects of using option explicit statement in visual basic program.
25. Given the following code segment Sub myfirstsub() Print tot (2,3) End sub Public function tot (x as single, y as single) as single Tot =x+y End function Interpret the code.
26. write a visual basic program that would display each of the following line of text in a multiple textbox when a command button is clicked; See no evil Speak no evil
27. Describe three properties that could be used with a datalist in a visual basic program.
28. Distinguish between local windows and watch windows as used in visual basic program.
29. State a reason why each of the following visual basic condition is wrong. (3 marks) (i) temperature>45 and <65 (ii) value1 and value2=5 (iii) case is 60 to 69
30. Figure 1 shows an interface used to enter information into a database. Use it to answer the question that follows: Write a visual basic program that would implement each of the command buttons
31. A company computes tax from employees salary as follows. Write a visual basic program that would accept salary of an employee through the use of a textbox. The program should then calculate the salary less tax to be paid and the result to be displayed on a label. Use an if…Then…Else statement. Attach the code to a command button
32. The following is a message box function Outline the function of each of the following part labelled (i),(ii) and (iii).
33. Figure 2 show a form design in visual basic intended to perform addition and subtraction. The command button captured Addition and subtraction or are both named operator. Write a visual basic program that would compute either addition or subtraction when either button is clicked. The answer should be displayed on a label. Use case statement.

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