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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Power Option) Module II : Estimating and Tendering Past Paper July 2019

Name four contract documents for a building project

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Questions List:

1. Define luminous intensity with respect to illumination and state standard unit
2. With aid of a diagram, derive the inverse square law of illuminance.
3. Outline three steps considered when planning interior lightning of a workshop
4. Single energy saving lamp are fixed 400 cm above the working plane to illuminate a staff measuring 16 x 12 m. If the space height ratio is to 1: (i) Estimate the number of lamp required; (ii) Using a scale drawing, show the locations of the lamps
5. Explain the term ‘contract’
6. Outline six essentials of a valid contract
7. Explain the following remedies for breach of contract: (i) Quantum merit (ii) Specific performance (iii) Injunction.
8. Name four contract documents for a building project
9. List two ways of terminating a contract centered between two parties