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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Power Option) Module II : Estimating and Tendering Past Paper July 2017

Define the term tender as used in the construction industry

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Questions List:

1. Define the term tender as used in the construction industry
2. Describe the following types of tendering: (i) open tendering (ii) Selective tendering
3. Explain the following as used in the process of “taking off” materials from drawings during preparation of an estimate: (i) Numbered items; ii) measured items
4. Distinguish between provisional sum and prime cost in relation to costing a project.
5. Outline three conditions in which a contract may be discharged
6. Define the following terms as used in illumination: (i) Utilization factor ii)Glare
7. An incandescent lamp hanging on a ceiling of a house gave equal illuminance in a room. The illuminance received on a bench lying vertically below the lamp is 63 lux and 2 metres away is 31 lux, determine the: (i) vertical distance of the lamp and above the bench; (ii) luminous intensity of the lamp
8. Outline the procedure of designing the number of luminaires in a given room