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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Power Option) Module II : Estimating and Tendering Past Paper July 2020

Explain each of the following as used in illumination:
(i) Luminous flux;
(ii) Uniform point source of light

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. Explain each of the following as used in illumination: (i) Luminous flux; (ii) Uniform point source of light
2. With aid of a diagram, derive the expression for the consine law of illumination
3. A hall measuring 36m x 12m is to be illuminated by 150 watts lamps. Illumination required is 60 lux. The lamp efficiency is 15.5 lumen/watts: depreciation factor is 1.3 and utilization factor is 0.5: (i) Determine the number of lamp required; (ii) Sketch the layout of the lamps.
4. Explain : (i) Estimation in relation to construction projects; (ii) Measurement as used in (a) (i).
5. A product is used by an industry in batches. The direct material cost is Ksh 16,000 and labour cost is Ksh20, 000, factory on cost is 20% of the total cost and labour cost. Overhead charges are 12% of the factory cost. Determine the: (i) Prime cost (ii) Total cost of production.
6. Explain the term ‘tender’
7. List four types of tender documents in an electrical installation project