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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Electrical and Electronics Engineering(Power Option) Module II : Estimating and Tendering Past Paper July 2022

(i) The stroboscopic effects
ii) Two methods of minimizing the effect in c (i)

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Question Answer:

Questions List:

1. With reference to engineering contracts, explain: (i) The term ‘estimate’ (ii) Primary function of an estimate.
2. Explain each of the following with reference to ‘taking off’ materials from electrical drawings: (i) Numbered items; ii)Measured items.
3. (i) Define the term ‘tender’
4. Describe: (I)Opening tendering; (II) Negotiated tendering.
5. Outline six ways an offer of an electrical contract can be terminated
6. Explain each of the following as used in illumination: (i) Lumen; (ii) Utilization; (iii) Space height ratio.
7. A lamp suspended 3 metres above the working plane has illumination of 70 lux. Determine the : (i) Lamp lumen output at point A just below it; (ii) Illumination received at point B, 4 metres away from A
8. Explain: (i) The stroboscopic effects ii) Two methods of minimizing the effect in c (i)
9. Draw labeled diagram of mercury vapor Lamp

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