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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management Module 1: Commerce past paper November 2016

Explain four functions performed by the commercial attaché in trade.

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Questions List:

1. Outline three circumstances under which a sole proprietorship form of business organization may be dissolved.
2. State four ways in which the consumers may benefit from small-scale retailers.
3. State three types of occupations that may be found in the primary level of production.
4. Write in full each of the following abbreviations as used in trade:
5. Highlight four functions of money.
6. Give three reasons that may account for the popularity of motorcycles as means of transport in some parts of Kenya.
7. Outline three circumstances that may lead to the delay of imported goods in a bonded warehouse.
8. State four principles of insurance.
9. State three methods through which the government gets involved in business activities.
10. State two branches of commerce.
11. Outline six roles played by the securities exchange market in the economy of a country.
12. Explain four reasons why some people prefer endowment assurance policies rather than whole life assurance policies.
13. Explain six ways in which an efficient road transport system may promote trade within a country.
14. Outline four benefits that an account holder may get from the M-banking services offered by commercial banks.
15. Explain six reasons that make developing countries reluctant to implement free trade agreements.
16. Outline four factors that a commercial bank should consider before giving a loan to a client.
17. Highlight six characteristics of land as a factor of production.
18. Explain four benefits that a consumer would get from joining a consumer co-operative society.
19. Outline six advantages that a trader would get by operating his own warehouse.
20. Explain four functions performed by the commercial attaché in trade.