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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management Module 1: Commerce past paper July 2017

Outline three merits of using motorcycles as a means of transport.

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Questions List:

1. State three services offered by retailers to the manufacturers in home trade.
2. Outline three merits of using motorcycles as a means of transport.
3. Outline three benefits that a businessman may derive from insuring his business.
4. Outline three items contained in a cash sale slip.
5. State three factors that may lead to the failure of a sole proprietorship type of business.
6. State three characteristics of money.
7. Highlight three functions of the Kenya Bureau of Standards.
8. State three benefits of microfinance institutions to an economy.
9. Highlight four functions of a securities exchange market.
10. Explain six problems that face public corporations in Kenya.
11. Outline four ways in which businessmen may exploit consumers.
12. Explain six limitations of using Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) in carrying out business transactions.
13. Despite the fact that international trade brings benefits, countries still impose restrictions on free trade. Explain four reasons why a country should impose such restrictions.
14. Explain six circumstances under which animal-driven carts may be a preferable mode of transport.
15. Outline four characteristics of indirect production.
16. Explain six roles played by commercial banks in Kenya.
17. Highlight four differences between assurance policy and insurance policy.
18. Explain six factors that may hinder the growth of the securities exchange market in Kenya.
19. Outline the procedure of accepting goods into a warehouse.