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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management Module 1: Commerce past paper November 2014

List three characteristics of direct production.

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Questions List:

1. List three characteristics of direct production.
2. State three features of a departmental store.
3. State three causes of an overcharge in an invoice.
4. State four circumstances under which a sole proprietorship business may be dissolved.
5. Outline three characteristics of a bank current account.
6. Outline four advantages of motor vehicle transport.
7. List three items that would be named in an insurance policy document.
8. Name three types of warehouses.
9. Define the following terms as used in the securities exchange market. i. To go public: ii. Bonus share: iii. Private placing:
10. State three ways in which the government regulates business activities.
11. Highlight six ways in which securities exchange market is useful to the Kenyan economy.
12. Explain four essentials of an efficient warehouse.
13. Explain four types of insurance cover that a businessman may take for his business.
14. Explain six reasons that account for the wide use of camels and donkeys as means of transport in some parts of Kenya.
15. State four functions of commercial banks.
16. Highlight six merits of operating a sole proprietorship form of business.
17. Explain four reasons that may discourage a business person from selling goods on hire-purchase terms.
18. Highlight six ways in which trade is important to a country.
19. Explain four demerits of division of labour in the production of goods.
20. Explain six services provided by wholesalers to manufacturers.