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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in Human Resource Management Module 1: Commerce past paper July 2015

Two advantages of operating a current account:

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Questions List:

1. Three direct personal services that are rendered in the tertiary level of production:
2. Three circumstances under which a buyer may return goods to a seller:
3. Two advantages of operating a current account:
4. Three services that the wholesalers offer to the consumers:
5. Four benefits that an importer may get from the use of a bonded warehouse:
6. Four sources of capital to a sole proprietorship:
7. Three circumstances under which a trader may choose to use containerization services in transportation of goods:
8. Three types of marine insurance policies:
9. Four government-initiated methods of consumer protection:
10. Three factors that may limit the use of credit cards in Kenya:
11. Six functions of a Central Bank in a country:
12. Four benefits that consumers may get from warehousing of goods:
13. Six ways in which transport promotes the growth of trade in a country:
14. Four features of labor as a factor of production:
15. Six benefits of trade to a country:
16. Four roles played by the insurance industry in the economy of a country:
17. Six advantages of operating a private limited company:
18. Four reasons why some firms are using modern technology in the production of goods and services:
19. Six measures that a country may take in order to increase the volume of its exports:
20. Four benefits that a company may get from being quoted at the securities exchange market: