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<=KNEC Craft Certificate in ICT module 2 Computer Application 2 past paper: July 2023

Explain whether an economic exchange has occurred or not for each of the following transactions;
(a) A business owner purchases inventory on credit.
(b) A customer places a sales order for goods

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Questions List:

1. State the meaning of each of the following terms as used in Desktop Publishing: (a) Artwork; (b) Dots per inch; (c) Gutter; (d) White space.
2. With the aid of an illustration in each case, explain the following terms as used in a desktop publishing program: (a) Widow; (b) Orphan.
3. Distinguish between change case and drop cape features in desktop publishing program.
4. Explain the function of each of the following drawings spaces as used in a computer aided design program: (a) Model-space; (b) Paper-space
5. With the aid of an illustration in each case, explain each of the following type of line as used in computer aided design program: (a) Polyline; (b) Spline.
6. Explain the effect of applying each of the following properties to a drawing in a computer-aided design program: (a) Annotative; (b) Bylayer.
7. A construction company designing bridges opted to use templates when creating designs in their computer aided design program. (a) State the meaning of the term template. (b) Outline three benefits of the company gained from the use of these templates .
8. Tibaki limited has prepared their end of the year financial statement. Explain two entities that may use financial year statement.
9. Explain whether an economic exchange has occurred or not for each of the following transactions; (a) A business owner purchases inventory on credit. (b) A customer places a sales order for goods
10. The following assets appeared in the records of ABC limited. (a) Patents (b) Premises (c) Prepaid expenses (d) Mobile phone cash balances Identify the type of asset in each case.